
An audio player capable of playing audio based on the keywords of the song title

- The announcement -

The audio engine of the application has been successfully migrated to the Android operating system with almost no changes. In this regard, it is planned to release an Android version of the application. The development of the interface for the Android version of the application will take about 4-6 months. Therefore, the frequency of updates for the Windows version of the application will be reduced. Thank you for understanding!

- Description of the application -

    Free download » 64-bit

- History of changes -
WishPlayer - v.0.1.5
New features
  1. Added memorization of the currently active playlist. Now, after launching the app, the current playlist will be the last opened playlist.
  2. Added the ability to create an unlimited number of playlists. Now, through the playlist menu, you can create a new playlist, as well as delete any existing one.
  3. For offline mode, the ability to sync a folder with a playlist has been added. In the playlist menu, you can enable synchronization with the audio folder, after which all changes in the folder will be reflected in the playlist. When the playlist is active, synchronization occurs every 10 seconds.
Bug fixes and improvements
  1. Audio playback for online mode has been removed in a separate process. Now audio playback does not depend on the operation of the interface. This will remove the possible impact of the interface drawing process on audio playback, which will improve the quality and stability of audio playback. It will also allow you to create a more complex interface in the future that will not affect audio playback.
  2. Improved playlist performance. Now each playlist can contain up to 1000 audios, regardless of the number of playlists.
  3. Fixed the bug of incorrect movement of the audio playlist panel when moving the panel outside the playlist. Now, when you try to move the audio panel outside the playlist, the panel is inserted at the end of the playlist.
  4. Fixed the bug of double-opening the settings window. The bug was rare, but now it is completely excluded.
WishPlayer - v.0.1.4
New features
  1. Added the ability to rename audio in playlists. Now, when you right-click on the audio name, you can change it to any other one. Available for both playback modes. For online mode, this will change the request. For offline mode, the audio name will be different from the audio file name
  2. Added the ability to save and download playlists. Now any playlist can be saved to a file on your computer with the extension. Wish and upload it back to the app. You can also open this file through any text editor and edit it. The data form of the playlist file is simple and understandable for human perception. You can save and download a playlist via the playlist menu button
Bug fixes and improvements
  1. The bug of not changing the width of the playlist line output layer when clicking on the resize button of the application interface has been removed. Now the width of all the playlist line output layers is set according to the size of the playlist window when you click on this button
  2. The bug of incorrect installation of the playlist title for offline playback mode has been removed
  3. The way to rename a playlist has been changed. Now, to activate the possibility of renaming the text, you need to right-click on it, instead of double-clicking the one you entered earlier. At the moment, you can rename the playlist name and audio names in playlists in this way. This renaming method is simpler and more suitable for the application for technical reasons
  4. The bug of incorrect color setting when pressing the buttons when changing the application style has been removed
  5. The bug of checking the associativity of files when the application is autorun has been removed. This bug is very rare, but it could cause the application to crash when autostart
WishPlayer - v.0.1.3
New features
  1. A History section has been added to the application tray menu. The window of this section contains the history of audio requests for the last 7 days
  2. Added an additional 3 playlists for each playback mode. These playlists will allow you to manually group audio by genre, artist, or other parameters. By default, playlists have names - 'Playlist No. 1', 'Playlist No. 2', 'Playlist No. 3', to change the playlist name, double-click on it and enter a new one. Perhaps in the future the creation of an unlimited number of playlists will be added.
Bug fixes and improvements
  1. Added dynamic loading of audio playlists. Now downloading audio playlists does not affect the app launch time. All playlists of the app are loaded dynamically after the app starts. This will eliminate the long launch of the application when there is a very large amount of audio in playlists
  2. The version of the main programming language of the application has been updated. This will increase the overall performance of the application by about 10-20 percent
  3. The overall size of the application has been reduced by compressing large files
  4. Updated the libraries associated with the application
WishPlayer - v.0.1.2
New features
  1. Added audio time display when hovering over the audio rewind panel
  2. Added a new application style - White. This style will become the default style for the application. The classic black and white style should be suitable for most people. Also, with this style, the application control buttons are better visible. If you don't like the white style, you can choose any other one. Currently available styles are white, blue, red, pink
Bug fixes and improvements
  1. The graphical bug that sometimes occurred when opening the application via the open button in the application tray has been removed. Added a forced redrawing of the interface after opening the application, which will eliminate this bug
  2. Added the correct termination of the control flow of associative files when the application is shut down. Now the flow completes correctly and does not cause an error when deleting the control object
  3. The bug of incorrect display of the audio rewind strip when rewinding to the end of audio has been removed
  4. Added an update to the audio length in the playlist when it changes in the audio source
  5. Modules of related libraries that are not used by the application have been removed, which reduced the application's RAM consumption by 20Mb
  6. Added partial buffering when playing audio online. This will eliminate possible delays in audio playback even on very weak processors and improve the quality of playback
  7. Added support for the HLS protocol
WishPlayer - v.0.1.1
New features
  1. Added buttons to go to the next and previous audio from the playlist. Using these buttons, you can switch to the desired audio without opening the playlist. When pressed repeatedly, the next audio is moved from the playlist list, which allows you to select the desired audio to play
  2. Added audio data caching, which significantly speeds up audio replay
Bug fixes and improvements
  1. Improved protection against double-launch of the application. An ineffective method of checking through processes has been removed. Now the verification is carried out through the database and occurs instantly. What increases the speed of the application launch
  2. Added error handling related to the inability to download audio using the http protocol
  3. The bug of the system for monitoring the completion of the audio download stream has been removed
  4. The bug of not closing the audio information stream has been removed, which in rare cases caused the application to freeze
  5. Updated the libraries associated with the application